After quite a bit of technical difficulties, we were thrilled to finally have H.A. "Heather" Titus on with us! She's the Celtic Urban Fantasy Author of Forged Steel, which came out in summer 2015.
In addition to talking about her book and her writing process, Aaron gave Heather a hard time about being from "da U.P." (Upper Peninsula of Michigan). DC's Arrow came up, as did Aaron's theory that the rebooted Star Trek movies aren't "true" Star Trek.
The idea of "plotsing" comes up, and you'll have to listen to hear how that word came into being. Heather also discusses some of the weird facts she had to Google, and one of them has to do with werewolves and the Mark of Cain. Kinda interesting stuff!
Oh, and Aaron's trying to get us our first hate mail. ;)