This week, we have Keven Newsome again to talk writing!
- Plotting/pantsing theory.
- Keven's modified Snowflake method (shoutout to Randy Ingermanson).
- Writing and editing tips in Scrivener from Keven & Liberty.
- How Keven uses One Note to track his notes and research.
- Keven's editing process and tips.
- Joss Whedon advice on writer's block.
- Keven's Musicality in his writing.
- Marketing tips that DON'T work.
- Writing a series.
- Liberty has to roll solo when Aaron's router drops out.
- We talk classic Doctor Who, which is always a fun topic.
Keven Newsome
The Winter Series
P.A. Baines - Alpha Redemption
Robin McKinley - Hero and the Crown
The 5 Stage plot (from Keven's blog)
One Note
Keven's Epic Radio on Spotify
Doctor Who
Be sure to check out website: for more detailed show notes!