This week on the show, we're lacking Josh, but we have the wonderful Mary Ruth Pursselley on with us! Aaron and Liberty have trouble getting into a good rhythm without Josh, so there's a bit of back and forth as those two try to get going.
Mary Ruth is the author of epic fantasy novel, Song of the Wren Falcon, and a lover of hot tea.
In Episode 33:
- Mastering subtext--or at least faking it when your readers pick up on something you didn't necessarily intend.
- Rewriting and redrafting multiple times on your first novel.
- Doing a redemption theme well. (Aaron kinda geeks out about this!)
- Embarrassing ways to be discovered while figuring out choreography for a sword fight by ones brother.
- Interesting medical stuff researched.
- Aaron talks Mary Ruth out of her favorite superhero, then proceeds to tease both the women about Tom Hiddleston.
- Early childhood crushes.
- Mary Ruth's boyfriend had to twist her arm to be in a relationship by watching a particular movie.
- Mary Ruth shares some bitterness towards the hosts for forcing her to join Facebook. ;)
Mary Ruth Pursselley
Song of the Wren Falcon
Raphael Sabitini (Captain Blood, The Seahawk, Scar Moonshade)
Patrick W. Carr (listen to his interviews: Part 1 & Part 2)
J.R.R. Tolkien
L.M. Montgomery (Emily of New Moon)